Göğüs Egzersizleri Genel Sıralaması ve Anatomi

Göğüs Egzersizleri Genel Sıralaması ve Anatomi


CHE-01    Barbell Bench Press – Medium Grip
CHE-02    Barbell Incline Bench Press – Medium Grip
CHE-03    Bent-Arm Barbell Pullover
CHE-04    Bent-Arm Dumbbell Pullover
CHE-05    Butterfly
CHE-06    Cable Crossover
CHE-07    Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press
CHE-08    Cross Bench Dumbbell Pullover
CHE-09    Decline Barbell Bench Press
CHE-10    Decline Dumbbell Bench Press
CHE-11    Decline Dumbbell Flyes
CHE-12    Dips – Chest Version
CHE-13    Dumbbell Bench Press
CHE-14    Dumbbell Flyes
CHE-15    Flat Bench Cable Flyes
CHE-16    Hammer Grip Incline DB Bench Press
CHE-17    Incline Bench Press Machine
CHE-18    Incline Cable Flye
CHE-19    Incline Dumbbell Bench Press With Palms Facing In
CHE-20    Incline Dumbbell Flyes
CHE-21    Incline Dumbbell Flyes – With A Twist
CHE-22    Incline Dumbbell Press
CHE-23    Isometric Chest Squeezes
CHE-24    Lying Chest Press Machine
CHE-25    Machine Bench Press
CHE-26    One Arm Dumbbell Bench Press
CHE-27    One Arm Floor Press
CHE-28    One-Arm Flat Bench Dumbbell Flye
CHE-29    Pushups
CHE-30    Push-Ups (Close and Wide Hand Positions)
CHE-31    Push-Ups With Feet Elevated
CHE-32    Push-Ups With Feet On An Exercise Ball
CHE-33    Seated Chest Press Machine
CHE-34    Smith Machine Bench Press
CHE-35    Smith Machine Incline Bench Press
CHE-36    Straight-Arm Dumbbell Pullover
CHE-37    Wide-Grip Barbell Bench Press
CHE-38    Wide-Grip Decline Barbell Bench Press

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